Giving Produces Knowledge
Thanks to you, Conversations with Tyler continues to grow, giving us the opportunity to share unique and insightful conversations with more people than ever before. The podcast has been downloaded millions of times and featured some of the best thinkers and doers in the world, including Reid Hoffman, John McWhorter, Philip Tetlock, Ashley Mears, Audrey Tang, and Jimmy Wales from this year alone. Together we’re making the world a wiser place, one conversation at a time.
Your tax-deductible gift today supports…
- New episodes every other week featuring top thinkers. Since the pandemic has prevented us from traveling to guests for face-to-face interviews, we have invested in a different type of infrastructure to make sure the quality of the conversations remains high, including mailing each guest an external USB microphone and training them how to use it. And we will return to in-person interviews as soon as it’s feasible!
- Full transcripts of every episode enhanced with helpful links.
- Live shows (when safe). If the Superforecaster’s predictions about vaccine distribution hold up, we may be able to do a live show or two this year!